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How to set a deep value in an object property or array column with link in PHP?

I need a function that can set its deepest value on an instance, whether it is an object or an array.

For example, I have a function like this that I wrote and played with, but the setValue function does not work, my silly placing of links here and there did not help me((


function setValue($name, &$initial, $value) {
   // Set function not work
    $names = explode('.', $name);
    $lastIndex = (count($names) - 1);

    $getter = (function ($name) {
        if (property_exists($this, $name) === false) {
            return null;

        $value = &$this->{$name};

        return $value;

    $setter = (function ($name, $value) {
        if (property_exists($this, $name) === true) {
            $this->{$name} = $value;

    $reference = &$initial;
    foreach ($names as $index => $keyOrProperty) {
        if (is_array($reference) === true) {
            if ($lastIndex === $index) {
                $reference[$keyOrProperty] = $value;


            $nextReference = &$reference[$keyOrProperty];
            if ($nextReference === null) {

            $reference = &$nextReference;


        if (is_object($reference) === true) {
            if ($lastIndex === $index) {
                $setter->call($reference, $keyOrProperty, $value);


            $nextReference = $getter->call($reference, $keyOrProperty);
            if ($nextReference === null) {

            $reference = &$nextReference;



function getValue($name, $initial) {
    $names = explode('.', $name);

    $getter = (function ($name) {
        if (property_exists($this, $name) === false) {
            return $this;

        return $this->{$name};

    $accumulator = static function (mixed $curr, string $name) use ($getter): mixed {
        if ($curr === null) {
            return null;

        if (is_array($curr) === true) {
            return (array_key_exists($name, $curr) === true) ? $curr[$name] : null;

        if (is_object($curr) === true) {
            return $getter->call($curr, $name);

        return $curr;

    return array_reduce($names, $accumulator, $initial);


class MyFoo
    private MyBar $bar;

    private array $array;

    public function setBar(MyBar $bar): static
        $this->bar = $bar;

        return $this;

    public function setArray(array $array): static
        $this->array = $array;

        return $this;

class MyBar
    private MyFoo $foo;

    private array $array;

    public function setFoo(MyFoo $foo): static
        $this->foo = $foo;

        return $this;

    public function setArray(array $array): static
        $this->array = $array;

        return $this;

$instance = (new MyFoo())
        (new MyBar())
                (new MyFoo())
                            'myBar' => (new MyBar())
                                        'deep' => [
                                            'myFoo' => (new MyFoo())
                                                    (new MyBar())
                                                        ->setArray(['test' => 'is Test'])

echo getValue('', $instance);
setValue('', $instance, 'Set Test');
echo getValue('', $instance);

Is it even possible to write such a function, or does anyone have any ideas?


  • The main problem is that when you want to get an array from a property, the return must also be a reference. But you cannot use Closure::call, because its declaration return type is not a reference. You need to bind the closure first, then directly call the closure.

    # $nextReference = $getter->call($reference, $keyOrProperty);
    $cl = $getter->bindTo($reference, $reference);
    $nextReference =& $cl($keyOrProperty);

    Besides, anonymous functions are already closures, the first class callable syntax is not necessary here. Note the anonymous function has an ampersand to return a reference instead of a value.

    # $getter = (function ($name) {
    #     blabla
    # })(...);
    $getter = function &($name) {
        if (property_exists($this, $name) === false) {
            return null;
        return $this->{$name};