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GraphClient -> delete user => Insufficient privileges

I'm trying to delete user from azure b2c using graph client

 await _serviceClient.Users[userId].Request().DeleteAsync();

but following error is thrown

 Status Code: Forbidden
  Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException: Code: Authorization_RequestDenied
  Message: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.
  Inner error:
    date: 2023-08-20T18:31:21
    request-id: 9a8594da-0fdd-4eb1-9f75-f9c60e59e3e8
    client-request-id: 9a8594da-0fdd-4eb1-9f75-f9c60e59e3e8
  ClientRequestId: 9a8594da-0fdd-4eb1-9f75-f9c60e59e3e8

I have following permissions granted to microsoft graph. Am I missing something? enter image description here

graph client works as expected in other scenarios (get, update, create users).


  • The error usually occurs if the service principal does not have proper roles or permissions to perform the operation.

    I registered one Azure AD B2C application and granted API permissions as below:

    enter image description here

    When I ran below code to delete b2c user, I too got same error:

    using Azure.Identity;
    using Microsoft.Graph;
    using Microsoft.Graph.Models;
    using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions;
    using Microsoft.Graph.Models.ODataErrors;
    using System;
    var scopes = new[] { "" };
    var clientId = "appId";
    var tenantId = "tenantId";
    var clientSecret = "secret";
    var options = new ClientSecretCredentialOptions
        AuthorityHost = AzureAuthorityHosts.AzurePublicCloud,
    var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
        tenantId, clientId, clientSecret, options);
    var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecretCredential, scopes);
        await graphClient.Users["userId"].DeleteAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("User deleted successfully!");
    catch (ODataError odataError)


    enter image description here

    In app-only scenarios, the User.ReadWrite.All application permission isn't enough privilege to delete users with privileged administrative roles.

    To resolve the error, the app must be assigned a higher privileged administrator role like User Administrator or Global Administrator.

    In my case, I assigned User Administrator role to the application like below:

    enter image description here

    When I ran the same code again after few minutes, I got response saying user deleted successfully:

    using Azure.Identity;
    using Microsoft.Graph;
    using Microsoft.Graph.Models;
    using Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions;
    using Microsoft.Graph.Models.ODataErrors;
    using System;
    var scopes = new[] { "" };
    var clientId = "appId";
    var tenantId = "tenantId";
    var clientSecret = "secret";
    var options = new ClientSecretCredentialOptions
        AuthorityHost = AzureAuthorityHosts.AzurePublicCloud,
    var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
        tenantId, clientId, clientSecret, options);
    var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecretCredential, scopes);
        await graphClient.Users["userId"].DeleteAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("User deleted successfully!");
    catch (ODataError odataError)


    enter image description here

    In your case, make sure to assign proper directory role to the application like User Administrator or Global Administrator to resolve the error.

    Reference: Delete a user - Microsoft Graph API