I have a code that runs through data.csv file, and it prints out values. But the values do not fit the test cases.
import csv
with open(filePath) as csvfile:
print("Display item stock level above certain amount")
amount = input("Enter amount : ")
for row in reader:
if (row['STOCK LEVEL'] >= amount):
print("PRODUCT ID : {0}\nNAME : {1}\nLEVEL : {2}".format(row['PRODUCT ID'],row['NAME'],row['STOCK LEVEL']))
My codes asks an int input from the user, and would read through the file and print the details of the item, eg Product ID, name, stock level.
but when i enter 8, it should print the details for stock level above 8 and 12, but it only prints the details for 8. When i ask for 12, it would print the details for every item, (5, 7, 8, 12), which is wrong.
One possible error could be that you are comparing an integer value with a string value in line 8 (inside if condition)
The output of 'amount' in line 5 will have the type 'string', which cannot be compared with any numerical value.
I suggest you convert it into 'int'
amount = int(input("bla bla"))
I'm hoping your output of row["Stock level"]
is an integer too. If it's not, put it inside int() function too.
So, your final code will be:
int(row["Stock level"]) >= amount
Now try. Hope it helps. If this doesn't work, tell me.