Search code examples

Assign a calculated value using user defined function

This version is cleaner and easier to read. The conditions are evaluated top-down, so once a condition is met, the subsequent conditions won't be checked.

Function GRADE(ByVal cellref As Range) As String
    Dim cr As Integer
    cr = CInt(cellref.Value)
    If cr >= 95 Then
        GRADE = "A++"
    ElseIf cr >= 90 Then
        GRADE = "A+"
    ElseIf cr >= 85 Then
        GRADE = "A"
    ElseIf cr >= 80 Then
        GRADE = "B++"
    ElseIf cr >= 75 Then
        GRADE = "B+"
    ElseIf cr >= 70 Then
        GRADE = "B"
    ElseIf cr >= 60 Then
        GRADE = "C"
    ElseIf cr >= 50 Then
        GRADE = "D"
    ElseIf cr >= 40 Then
        GRADE = "E"


  • Excel formulas provide an option without needing macros enabled. Nested IF statements are understandable but require multiple levels. LOOKUP is a more concise approach.

    For example, the formula (in cell B2) converts a score to a grade:


    An alternative is placing the score and grade ranges on the sheet, then naming them _Score and _Grade. The formula simplifies to:


    Leveraging LOOKUP and defined names keeps the formula tidy.

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