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DLL Error while using node-pty in NWjs application

I tired to run an terminal emulator / command prompt in NW.js using xterm JS and node-pty. I only get an DLL Error. The folling is the log:

Uncaught Error: Eine DLL-Initialisierungsroutine ist fehlgeschlagen. 

at Module._extensions..node (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1365:18)     at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1116:32)     
at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:963:12)     
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1140:19)     
at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:117:18)     
at new WindowsPtyAgent (C:\Users\volke.a\Z_local\nwjstart\node_modules\node-pty\lib\windowsPtyAgent.js:41:36)     
at new WindowsTerminal (C:\Users\volke.a\Z_local\nwjstart\node_modules\node-pty\lib\windowsTerminal.js:51:24)     
at Object.spawn (C:\Users\volke.a\Z_local\nwjstart\node_modules\node-pty\lib\index.js:29:12)     
at chrome-extension://fnhkclelbagcndnlaobahcdeinlcloek/terminal.js:15:24

"Eine DLL-Initialisierungsroutine ist fehlgeschlagen" means "A DLL-Inizialationroutine failed".

My OS is Windows 10

This is the JavaScript code

const os = require('os');
const pty = require('node-pty');
const { Terminal } = require('xterm');

win = nw.Window.get()
win.x = 100
win.y = 100

// Create a new terminal instance
const terminalContainer = document.getElementById('terminal');
const term = new Terminal();;
// Start a PowerShell terminal session using node-pty
const shell = os.platform() === 'win32' ? 'powershell.exe' : 'bash';
const ptyProcess = pty.spawn(shell, [], {
  name: 'xterm-color',
  cols: 80,
  rows: 30,
  cwd: process.cwd(),
  env: process.env

// Pipe terminal output to xterm.js
ptyProcess.onData(data => term.write(data));
term.onData(data => ptyProcess.write(data));

// Handle command line input
term.onKey(e => {
  const printable = !e.domEvent.altKey && !e.domEvent.ctrlKey && !e.domEvent.metaKey;

  if (e.domEvent.keyCode === 13) {
  } else if (printable) {

I already tried to update npm, node, node-pty, xterm and NW.js.


  • Your dependencies need to be built/compiled for the version of Node.js included in the NW.js build you're using.

    See the node-pty README discussing this:

    And the NW.js docs:

    And an easy way to match versions: