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margin set to first line of textView

I want to set start margin only for the first line of TextView (Not first line of each paragraph)? I have used the following code:

SpannableString s = new SpannableString("this is a test"+"\n"+"this is a test");
s.setSpan(new, 0), 0, s.length(), 0);
textView .setText(s);

Here start margin is getting set for all lines of the Paragraph.. I don't want that. I want start margin to be applied for first line only.. Pls help..


  • As it has been suggested here, I also think the best solution is to simply add a few spaces at the beginning. If you only need the margin space at the very first line of the TextView, I don't see any reason why you'd need to do something really advanced.

    If you need to change or use the text in the TextView at a later point, you can just use the substring() method to get only a part of the string, i.e. s.substring(2, s.length());

    It's not a perfect solution, but I think it'll do.