I am working of CSV file reader . Need to replace first and last word of 12345,sdc,CAP,12345:sdc-posistion-svc:SnakeYAML:2.1:3 (12345 and 3) from above lines an replace ": with ","
Sample CSV file
CVM Finding,12345,sdc,CAP,12345:sdc-posistion-svc:SnakeYAML:2.1:3,TRUE,FALSE,OverDue
CVM Finding,12345,sdc,CAP,12345:sdc-event-generation-svc:SpringBoot:2.1.2.Release:1,TRUE,FALSE,Overdue
CVM Finding,12345,sdc,CAP,12345:sdc-event-subscription-svc:Apache Tomcat:9.0.70:1,TRUE,FALSE,Due in <= 90
CVM Finding,12345,sdc,CAP,12345:sdc-bh-registry-svc:Jettison - Json Stax implementation:1.5.3:1,TRUE,FALSE,Due in <=90
CVM Finding,12345,sdc,CAP,12345:sdc-event-generation-svc:Apache Tomcat:9.0.70:2,TRUE,FALSE,Due in >90
CVM Finding,12345,sdc,CAP,12345:sdc-posistion-svc:jackson-databind:2.14:1,TRUE,FALSE,OverDue
CVM Finding,12345,sdc,CAP,12345:sdc-event-subscription-svc:jackson-databind:2.14:1,TRUE,FALSE,Due in <= 90
CVM Finding,12345,sdc,CAP,12345:sdc-event-subscription-svc:SpringBoot:2.1.2.Release:1,TRUE,FALSE,Overdue
CVM Finding,12345,sdc,CAP,12345:sdc-posistion-svc:SpringBoot:2.1.2.Release:1,TRUE,FALSE,OverDue
With below code
public static void getData3() throws IOException
MyClass myClass = new MyClass(5, 7);
String titleForCol5 = "col5";
String titleForCol8 = "col8";
Path path = Paths.get("D:/blackduck_sample.txt");
if (Files.exists(path)) {
List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(path);
List<String> columns = Arrays.asList(lines.get(0).split(","));
int col5Idex = columns.indexOf(titleForCol5);
int col8Idex = columns.indexOf(titleForCol8);
List<String> values2 = lines.stream().skip(1).map(line -> Arrays.asList(line.split(",")))
.map(list -> list.get(col5Idex).concat(",").concat(list.get(col8Idex))).filter(Objects::nonNull).filter(s -> s.trim().length() > 0)
I am getting
12345:sdc-event-subscription-svc:Apache Tomcat:9.0.70:1,Due in <= 90
I want to change each line from the above output like the one below.
remove the first and last word of the first field and replace ":" with ",".
sdc-event-subscription-svc,Apache Tomcat,9.0.70,Due in <= 90
Is it possible to do this on the same map?
I tried without java 6 map as below
List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(file.toPath(),StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
for (String line : lines) {
String[] array = line.split(",");
String tempStr = array[4].replaceAll(":", ",") ;
String shortened = tempStr.substring(0, tempStr.lastIndexOf(',', tempStr.length() - 2));
String shortened1 = shortened.replaceFirst("\\b\\w+\\b","").substring(1)+","+array[7];
System.out.println(shortened1); //
System.out.println(lst.add(array[4].replaceAll(":", ","))); }
I want to do it better way using map
You should add a method and and then use it in map
, that way you can add more features in future + your stream
does not look too complicated:
private static String postProcess(String line) {
String[] array = line.split(",");
String tempStr = array[0].replaceAll(":", ",") ;
return tempStr.substring(0,
tempStr.lastIndexOf(',', tempStr.length() - 2))
.substring(1) + "," + array[1];
Then use it like:
List<String> values2 = lines.stream().skip(1).map(line -> Arrays.asList(line.split(",")))
.map(list -> list.get(col5Idex).concat(",").concat(list.get(col8Idex)))
.filter(s -> s.trim().length() > 0)