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Trying to execute a javascript function when users click on back/forward button after redirect

I want to execute a js function when users click on back/forward button after redirect. I have a half working function below:

function detectHistoryEvent() {
  console.log(performance.navigation.type); // deprecated
  console.log(performance.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].type); // currently used
  if (performance.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].type && performance.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].type === 'back_forward') {
    themethod(); // method I want to run

Working Scenario 1:

  1. On PAGE 1 user clicks delete button that executes POST REQUEST.
  2. If successful, it will redirect to PAGE 2.
  3. From PAGE 2 when user clicks on back button, it will redirect to PAGE 1. After redirection, it will execute themethod() because of the function above. This is because the value of navigation is back_forward.

Not Working Scenario 2:

  1. On PAGE 1 user clicks href that executes GET REQUEST.
  2. If successful, it will redirect to PAGE 2.
  3. From PAGE 2 when user clicks on back button, it will redirect to PAGE 1. However the themethod() is not executed. This is because the value of nagivation is navigate just like a normal href click.

Is it possible to check if user clicks on back/forward button even if PAGE 1 executes GET REQUEST?


  • After days of searching, removed the method on my question and use the solution using the code below instead:

    window.onpageshow = function(event) {
      if (event.persisted) {

    Original answer on another SO Question