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How can I execute this shell command in a Jenkins pipeline?

I can execute the following command against a Git submodule on my terminal. I basically just want to print out the path of the child module.

My Git submodule looks like


I can do this on the command line to print out the name of each child module

$ git submodule foreach 'echo $name'
Entering 'module1'
Entering 'module2'

However, if I do the following

node("buildNode)" {
  stage("test") {
    sh(label: "Test",
       returnStatus: true,
       script: """
         git submodule foreach 'echo $name'

I get the following error

ERROR: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: name for class: WorkflowScript

What's the correct syntax? TIA


  • The correct syntax is...

    node("buildNode)" {
      stage("test") {
        sh(label: "Test",
           returnStatus: true,
           script: """
             git submodule foreach 'echo \$name'

    Notice the \$name.