I am trying to create a new dataset from a 2d array in JavaScript. However, I can't seem to find my way around the docs to do this.
To create a new dataset, I seem to have to use gdal.open
in write mode to be able to write new data, but I am unsure how to update this empty raster with my real data:
const driver = gdal.drivers.get('GTiff');
const xSize = 3;
const ySize = 3;
const bandCount = 1;
const dataType = gdal.GDT_Int32;
const dataset = await gdal.openAsync('output.tif', 'w', driver, xSize, ySize, bandCount, dataType);
Now let's say I have the following 2D array of data:
// from a hdf5 file
const data = [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9],
How would I update my dataset to have the provided data?
Here is the correct code snippet:
const xSize = 3;
const ySize = 3;
const bandCount = 1;
const dataType = gdal.GDT_Int32;
const dataset = await gdal.openAsync('output.tif', 'w', 'GTiff', xSize, ySize, bandCount, dataType);
const data = new Int32Array([
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
const band1 = await dataset.bands.getAsync(1);
await band1.pixels.writeAsync(0, 0, xSize, ySize, data);
await dataset.flushAsync();
A few notes:
This is the fully async code, meaning you will never block the event loop;
requires that you use TypedArray
s. If you want to use multidimensional arrays, I suggest you consider using ndarray
and scijs
, there is also a plugin for gdal-async
There is no closeAsync
, but if you call flushAsync
you guarantee that the data will be written, even if the file won't be closed until the GC destroys the object.