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A stream "cannot resolve method" that exists

Why doesn't the problematic line work? The IDE says

Cannot resolve method 'identify(String[])'"

but it's right. there

public class PersonApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (areValidArgs(args)) {

    public static boolean areValidArgs(String[] args) {
        return args.length > 0;
public class Operations {
    private static Operation[] operations; // let Spring inject all beans of type Operation
    public void setOperations(Operation[] operations) {
        Operations.operations = operations;

    public static Operation findAppropriateOperation(String[] args) {
        Optional<Operation> operationOptional =
                .findFirst(op -> op.identify(args)); // this line is problematic
If I change the statement above to

        Optional<Operation> operationOptional =
                .filter(op -> op.identify(args))

it works, but I can't stop thinking why the initial code didn't
        return operationOptional
                .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported argument"));
public abstract class Operation {
    protected final PersonService personService;

    public abstract boolean identify(String[] args); // here!
    public abstract void execute();
// sample operation

public class CreatePersonTableOperation extends Operation {
    public CreatePersonTableOperation(PersonService personService) {

    public boolean identify(String[] args) {
        return args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("1");

    public void execute() {

I thought maybe returns a stream of Objects (for example, stream.toArray() returns an array of Objects so streams and arrays don't get along very well), but I checked the docs, and it doesn't

public static <T> Stream<T> stream(T[] array)

Returns a sequential Stream with the specified array as its source.

Type Parameters:

T - The type of the array elements


array - The array, assumed to be unmodified during use


a Stream for the array


  • While void Operation#identify(String[]) exists, Optional<T> Stream#findFirst(Predicate<? super T>) does not.

    Stream#findFirst() is parameterless method.

    Since there is no parameter, the Java compiler cannot infer the type of the lambda op parameter. It can only do that if there is a SAM type available to match against.

    If you want to find the first item based on a given predicate, you have to filter the stream first:

    Optional<Operation> operationOptional =
            .filter(op -> op.identify(args))