I want to access the location (latitude, longitude) of the water level sensor markers found in this website but I can't find any HTML tags which contains their locations.
Any guidance would be very helpful!
Looking at the network inspector, you can see that the page sends a GET request which looks like an API call: https://app.pub.gov.sg/waterlevel/pages/GetWLInfo.aspx?type=WL&d=2023-08-15T07:00:00.000Z
By visiting the API endpoint, you can find the current data for all sensors, which you can get with the following:
import requests
# Fetch data
endpoint = "https://app.pub.gov.sg/waterlevel/pages/GetWLInfo.aspx"
params = {"type": "WL"}
response = requests.get(endpoint, params=params)
return response.content.decode("utf-8")
# Parse data
dataSplit = [[data for data in sensor.split("$#$")] for sensor in raw.split("$#$$@$")]
data = []
for record in dataSplit:
# Convert data to dict and typecast
if record not in data and len(record) == 7:
"sensor-id": record[0],
"sensor-name": record[1],
"latitude": float(record[3]),
"longitude": float(record[2]),
"water-level": float(record[4]),
"status": float(record[5]),
"timestamp": parseTimestamp(record[6]),
# Convert to dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
To parse timestamps, use the following:
def parseTimestamp(timestamp: str):
# Standardise timestamp
timestamp = timestamp.split(" ")
while "" in timestamp:
# Pad day
if len(timestamp[1]) < 2:
timestamp[1] = "0" + timestamp[1]
# Pad time
if len(timestamp[-1].split(":")[0]) < 2:
timestamp[-1] = "0" + timestamp[-1]
timestamp = " ".join(timestamp)
timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%b %d %Y %I:%M%p")
return timestamp