I created a simple Unity game, which is about falling cubes. You have to control them and bring cubes with the same color together. After 2 or 3 normally falling cubes, the game creates hundreds of cubes and Unity crashes. Infinity cubes There are 4 different cube prefabs for each color. To each of them I added the createCube script. There is the Create() function, which is called up after a collision:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class createCube : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject redPrefab;
public GameObject greenPrefab;
public GameObject bluePrefab;
public GameObject yellowPrefab;
private createCube script;
private SpriteRenderer spriteR;
void Create()
int zufall = Random.Range(1,5);
case 1: Instantiate(redPrefab, new Vector3(0,4.2f,0), Quaternion.identity); break;
case 2: Instantiate(greenPrefab, new Vector3(0,4.2f,0), Quaternion.identity); break;
case 3: Instantiate(bluePrefab, new Vector3(0,4.2f,0), Quaternion.identity); break;
default: Instantiate(yellowPrefab, new Vector3(0,4.2f,0), Quaternion.identity); break;
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll)
GameObject otherObject = coll.gameObject;
script = GetComponent<createCube>();
script.enabled = false;
if (otherObject.CompareTag("Ground"))
if (GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.name == "red")
gameObject.tag = "Deadred";
else if (GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.name == "green")
gameObject.tag = "Deadgreen";
else if (GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.name == "blue")
gameObject.tag = "Deadblue";
gameObject.tag = "Deadyellow";
else if (otherObject.CompareTag("Deadred") || otherObject.CompareTag("Deadgreen") || otherObject.CompareTag("Deadyellow") || otherObject.CompareTag("Deadblue"))
if (GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.name == "red")
gameObject.tag = "Deadred";
else if (GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.name == "green")
gameObject.tag = "Deadgreen";
else if (GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.name == "blue")
gameObject.tag = "Deadblue";
gameObject.tag = "Deadyellow";
else if (otherObject.CompareTag("Deadred") && gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.name == "red")
else if (otherObject.CompareTag("Deadgreen") && gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.name == "green")
else if (otherObject.CompareTag("Deadblue") && gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.name == "blue")
else if (otherObject.CompareTag("Deadyellow") && gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite.name == "yellow")
There is also the GameObject ground, which catches the cubes. It also starts the game by dropping the first cube:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class starter : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject redPrefab;
public GameObject greenPrefab;
public GameObject bluePrefab;
public GameObject yellowPrefab;
void Start()
int zufall = Random.Range(1,5);
case 1: Instantiate(redPrefab, new Vector3(0,4.2f,0), Quaternion.identity); break;
case 2: Instantiate(greenPrefab, new Vector3(0,4.2f,0), Quaternion.identity); break;
case 3: Instantiate(bluePrefab, new Vector3(0,4.2f,0), Quaternion.identity); break;
default: Instantiate(yellowPrefab, new Vector3(0,4.2f,0), Quaternion.identity); break;
I tried to enable the script after colliding so the cube can't create a new one and I tried to give them different tags, but nothing changed. I thought it's because a cube collides with multiple objects (for example with the ground and a cube the same time), but it also happens when the cube collides only with an other cube.
Since I didn't want to deal with the problem any longer, I looked for an alternative and found that:
public void Repeating()
InvokeRepeating ("Create",3.0f,2.0f);
and in an other script:
public createCube other;
void Start()
Now the cube spawns not after a collision, but after 2 seconds. It's not exactly what I wanted, but it works.