Here is the question: Given two strings s
and goal
, return true
if and only if s
can become goal
after some number of shifts on s
A shift on s consists of moving the leftmost character of s to the rightmost position.
For example, if s = "abcde", then it will be "bcdea" after one shift.
= "abcde", goal
= "cdeab"
Output: true
= "abcde", goal
= "abced"
Output: false
Here is the code I wrote:
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static boolean rotateString(String s, String goal) {
Boolean flag = false;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(s);
for (int i=0;i<=s.length()-1;i++){
if (builder.toString() == goal) {
flag= true;
char temp = builder.charAt(builder.length()-1);
for (int j=s.length()-1;j>=0;j--){
if (j==0) continue;
builder.setCharAt(j, builder.charAt(j-1));
return flag;
I don't know how the flag is still false
I also tried debugging it, it shows value of builder.toString()
and goal
is same.
I was expecting the flag
to be true
but it always stays false
"... I don't know how the flag is still
I also tried debugging it, it shows value ofbuilder.toString()
is same. ..."
Since you're comparing String values you'll need to use the equals method.
If you change the conditional statement to the following, the flag value returns true.
if (builder.toString().equals(goal))
Additionally, you can rotate the string much simpler.
public static boolean rotateString(String s, String goal) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(s);
for (int count = 0; count < s.length(); count++) {
builder.insert(builder.length(), builder.charAt(0));
if (builder.toString().equals(goal)) return true;
return false;