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Crash "at <unknown> <0xffffffff>" when calling C# method from C which returns a value

I'm writing a native library in Go and C (thin wrapper) and interop code in C#.

I can successfully register C# methods as callbacks with the library and then call them from C when they don't return values. But I get a crash whenever I try to call callbacks which return values.

The library is compiled as a Windows DLL and here is the stack trace produced when I attempt to call a C# function in a Unity game:

    Native Crash Reporting
Got a UNKNOWN while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.

    Managed Stacktrace:
      at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
      at MyLib.Interop:TestCallGetIntCb <0x000cd>
      at MyLib.Test:TestCallGetIntCb <0x0007a>
      at Multiplayer:Update <0x000ea>
      at System.Object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ <0x00187>

Commenting out the callback call in the C code removes the error.

Here is the code which produces the crash:

Native library:


typedef int (*GetIntCallback)();

void SubscribeGetIntCallback(GetIntCallback cb);
int GetInt();


static GetIntCallback testGetIntCallback = 0;

void SubscribeGetIntCallback(GetIntCallback cb)
    testGetIntCallback = cb;

int GetInt()
    if (testGetIntCallback != 0)
        return testGetIntCallback();

    return 0;

C# Code:


public class Interop
    // Other code removed for clarity...

    public delegate int GetIntCallback();

    public static extern void SubscribeGetIntCallback(GetIntCallback intCb);


public class Test
    // Other code removed for clarity...

    public Test()

    private int TestIntCb()
        return 100;

For reference the code below works and does not crash:

Native library:


typedef void (*StringCallback)(const char *message, int size);

void SubscribeLogInfo(StringCallback cb);
void LogInfo(const char *message);


static StringCallback logInfoCallback = 0;

void SubscribeLogInfo(StringCallback cb)
    logInfoCallback = cb;

void LogInfo(const char *message)
    if (logInfoCallback != 0)
        logInfoCallback(message, (int)strlen(message));

C# code:


public class Interop
    // Other code removed for clarity...

    public delegate void StringCallback(IntPtr ptr, int size);

    public static extern void SubscribeLogInfo(StringCallback cb);


public static class Events
    // Other code removed for clarity...

    public delegate void MessageEventHandler(object sender, MessageEventArgs args);
    public static event MessageEventHandler LogInfoEvent;

    static Events()

    private static void OnLogInfo(IntPtr messagePtr, int size)
        string message = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(messagePtr, size);
        LogInfoEvent?.Invoke(typeof(Events), new MessageEventArgs(message));

Why do I get the crash when calling the method which returns an int, but not when I call the method which returns void?

My ideas:

  • Is there a problem with my method signature?
  • Is it because my Test class is not static?
  • Is it because my TestIntCb() method is not static?
  • Is it because the return value of TestIntCb() is in managed memory and not copied to unmanaged memory when it returns?
  • Is there a type compatibility problem? int's are blittable aren't they, shouldn't it be copied with no conversion?

Thank you for your time!


  • You have two issues I can see here:

    • Missing calling convention both on the DllImport and on the delegat declaration, which I guess should be CDecl.
    • You need to ensure the delegate object doesn't get disposed/collected too early. In most cases the easiest way to do this is by caching it in a field. Note that the field itself (or rather its containing object) must also not be collected, but you don't show how you are using that.
    public class Interop
        public delegate int GetIntCallback();
        [DllImport("mylibrary", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.CDecl)]
        public static extern void SubscribeGetIntCallback(GetIntCallback intCb);
    public class Test
        GetIntCallback _callback = TestIntCb;
        public Test()
        private int TestIntCb()
            return 100;

    On the same basis, the string version could also do with changes.

    I note that you have put the event subscriber in the static constructor. This is probably a bad idea, put it into a separate function instead. Static events are also a bit of a bad idea, they need careful management to ensure you don't get a memory leak.

    public class Interop
        [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
        public delegate void StringCallback(string str, int size);
        [DllImport("mylibrary", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        public static extern void SubscribeLogInfo(StringCallback cb);
    public static class Events
        public delegate void MessageEventHandler(object sender, MessageEventArgs args);
        public static event MessageEventHandler LogInfoEvent;
        private StringCallback _callback = OnLogInfo;
        static Events()
        private static void OnLogInfo(string message, int size)
            LogInfoEvent?.Invoke(typeof(Events), new MessageEventArgs(message));