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UNO is not maintaining the binding to an ObservableCollection

I have a MVVM ViewModel on the UNO Platform. The ViewModel has an ObservableCollection:

public ObservableCollection<Location>? Locations { get; set; }

It is created in the constructor of the ViewModel:

this.Locations = new ObservableCollection<Location>();

The collection contents are initialized in the LoadData() method of the ViewModel as part of the Views codeBehind OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) event handler. The intialization is as follows:

List<Location> lst = await ApiClient.LocationGetAllByAccountId(MiscUtils.OrganizationId);
if (Locations != null)
    foreach (Location l in lst)

When the view appears, the ComboBox is populated with the Locations, however when the app reacts to the ComboBox SelectedItem, the correct location has been selected, BUT I am finding that Locations is empty. This prevents me from adding, updating and deleting anything in the view. I never had this problem in WPF. Have I wired something wrong?


  • It is working now. I think I had a mixture of {Binding and {x:Bind in my code that was causing the problem.