I am using the Raw Input API to get a collection of key presses from a keyboard (actually, a magnetic stripe card reader that emulates a keyboard). Here are a couple of code excerpts so you can have an idea of how I'm getting the keys.
internal struct RAWKEYBOARD
public ushort MakeCode;
public ushort Flags;
public ushort Reserved;
public ushort VKey;
public uint Message;
public uint ExtraInformation;
internal struct RAWINPUT
public RAWINPUTHEADER header;
public RAWMOUSE mouse;
public RAWKEYBOARD keyboard;
public RAWHID hid;
Queue<char> MyKeys = new Queue<char>();
// buffer has the result of a GetRawInputData() call
RAWINPUT raw = (RAWINPUT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(RAWINPUT));
When running the code, the card reader outputs the string %B40^TEST
, but in the MyKeys collection I have the following values:
{ 16 '', 53 '5', 16 '', 66 'B',
52 '4', 48 '0', 16 '', 54 '6',
16 '', 84 'T', 16 '', 69 'E',
16 '', 83 'S', 16 '', 84 'T' }
These seem like a collection of actual key presses (duh!) and not the string they represent. Keycode 16 seems to be Shift, so in the card reader's currently configured keyboard mapping a %
character is produced using Shift+5, represented by {16, 53}. The following character, uppercase B
, is Shift+B or {16, 66}. And so it goes for the rest of characters.
Obviously, simply casting these to char
(like I'm doing right now) is not the way to go. So, my question is: How can I translate this array of key presses into the String they represent?
After doing some extra research, I found the answer myself. I'm posting it for anyone else reading this. Following is a small test application that demonstrates how to convert a collection of virtual keys (ushort
key codes) into its string representation. I'm using the collection described in the question as the input.
class Program
static extern int MapVirtualKey(uint uCode, uint uMapType);
private static extern int ToAscii(uint uVirtKey, uint uScanCode, byte[] lpKeyState, [Out] StringBuilder lpChar, uint uFlags);
static void Main(string[] args)
byte[] keyState = new byte[256];
ushort[] input = { 16, 53, 16, 66, 52, 48, 16, 54, 16, 84, 16, 69, 16, 83, 16, 84 };
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
foreach (ushort vk in input)
AppendChar(output, vk, ref keyState);
private static void AppendChar(StringBuilder output, ushort vKey, ref byte[] keyState)
if (MapVirtualKey(vKey, 2) == 0)
keyState[vKey] = 0x80;
StringBuilder chr = new StringBuilder(2);
int n = ToAscii(vKey, 0, keyState, chr, 0);
if (n > 0)
output.Append(chr.ToString(0, n));
keyState = new byte[256];