I've got a problem with swagger ui. I am using these dependencies:
So, as you can see, for swagger I am using this dependency:
These are my swagger settings in application.properties
# Swagger settings
Here is my SecurityFilterChain. I thought that Spring Security might be blocking my requests, but it looks like it is not
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.authorizeHttpRequests((requests) -> requests
http.addFilterBefore(authenticationJwtTokenFilter(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
return http.build();
I am trying to find swagger ui at this url
and I am getting Whitelabel Error Page. Api-docs page
works perfectly, so where is the problem?
The problem was in wrong dependency. I was using this
But looks like this dependency used only for /api-docs path, without ui, so I checked my older project and copied dependency from there
And now everything works fine. Always need to check if you are using correct dependencies.