I have written a shell script that outputs a modified time, according to UTC. At present, my if statements to grab and alter the hour are as follows:
if [[ "$emoji" =~ \.☁ ]];
((timeShow = time - modValue))
At present, the emoji will be wrapped in format tags for polybar. Namely, the variable will be something like %{F#1a88a4}☁%{F-}
. So I am trying to check whether the string contains the ☁ character using the regex above. Unfortunately, this does not appear to work.
In the course of searching for a solution, I found that POSIX Basic Regular Expressions have a different syntax to encapsulate the character and search for it within the string.
Thus, the correct code should read (changes highlighted), with thanks to @EdMorton:
if [[ "$emoji" =~ ☁ ]];
((timeShow = time - modValue))