Spring 3.0.5 + Tiles
Inside my controller I'm creating a new ModelAndView but a situation has come up where one company wants their own view. Once this happens I can see this growing where other's want their own as well.
public ModelAndView newCompanyView(HttpServletRequest request, String companyId) {
// right here I'd like to check if the "companyABC" view is a defined tile
// and if it is the send that back as a view and I can eliminate a bunch of if
// checks.
if(companyId.equals("ABC")) {
return new ModelAndView("companyABC", "vo", getCompanyVo());
} else {
return new ModelAndView("company", "vo", getCompanyVo());
Is this possible and if so then how?
Apparently there really isn't a good way to do this unless you really want to dive head first into fiddling with view resolvers. I don't have the time or the desire to try and figure it out but if someone smarter than I has some time I'd love to hear a solution. Until then I'm just going to punt and have some IF checks for special companies.