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MongoDB - Convert array elements as new fields

I have mongodb collection with documents like below:

{"name": "person1", "parents": [
    {"relationship": "father", "name": "father1", "age": 40},
    {"relationship": "mother", "name": "mother1", "age": 42}

{"name": "person2", "parents": [
    {"relationship": "father", "name": "father2", "age": 50},
    {"relationship": "mother", "name": "mother2", "age": 45}

I am trying to flatten the documents like below:

{"name": "person1",  "father_name": "father1", "father_age": 40, "mother_name": "mother1", "mother_age": 42}
{"name": "person2",  "father_name": "father2", "father_age": 50, "mother_name": "mother2", "mother_age": 45}

Basically, I want to take certain fields from every element (object) of parents array and make them as new fields in output documents. How can I achieve this?

I wrote aggregation pipeline like below:

      $project: {
        _id: 0,
        name: 1,
        father_name: {
          $cond: {
            if: {
              $eq: ["$parents.relationship", "father"],
            then: "$",
            else: null,
        father_age: {
          $cond: {
            if: {
              $eq: ["$parents.relationship", "father"],
            then: "$parents.age",
            else: null,
        mother_name: {
          $cond: {
            if: {
              $eq: ["$parents.relationship", "mother"],
            then: "$",
            else: null,
        mother_age: {
          $cond: {
            if: {
              $eq: ["$parents.relationship", "mother"],
            then: "$parents.age",
            else: null,

But it is giving output like below, which is not as expected:

  "name": "person1",
  "father_name": null,
  "father_age": null,
  "mother_name": null,
  "mother_age": null


  • One option for a generic solution is:

      {$set: {
          parents: {$map: {
              input: "$parents",
              as: "i",
              in: {$arrayToObject: {$reduce: {
                    input: {$objectToArray: "$$i"},
                    initialValue: [],
                    in: {$concatArrays: [
                        {$cond: [
                            {$ne: ["$$this.k", "relationship"]},
                              {k: {$concat: ["$$i.relationship", "_", "$$this.k"]},
                               v: "$$this.v"}
      {$replaceRoot: {
          newRoot: {$mergeObjects: [
              {$reduce: {
                  input: "$parents",
                  initialValue: {},
                  in: {$mergeObjects: ["$$value", "$$this"]}
      {$unset: "parents"}

    See how it works on the playground example

    *The generic solution supports adding fields or relationship types without adding any stages