In my Twig template i have list, something like this:
1985 - John
1974 - Lena
1985 - Sandra
1974 - Tom
1985 - Jess
The year can be duplicated. So i need combine my list like this:
1985 - John, Sandra, Jess
1974 - Lena, Tom
Is it possible to do this in the Twig template engine?
In Twig, we can add data to an array with the merge
The tricky parts:
, 1
, etc.) if we try to use a number as a keyIf we have this data:
{% set data = [
{"year": 1985, "name": "John"},
{"year": 1974, "name": "Lena"},
{"year": 1985, "name": "Sandra"},
{"year": 1974, "name": "Tom"},
{"year": 1985, "name": "Jess"},
We can loop over it, and create an array, with each year as the key and the names as values:
{% set groupedData = {} %}
{# Loop over data #}
{% for person in data -%}
{# the year must be casted as a string, otherwise it uses numeric keys in the array #}
{% set year = "y" ~ person["year"] %}
{% set name = person["name"] %}
{% if year not in groupedData|keys %}
{# year doesn't exist in the array, add a key with the year and an array with one name #}
{% set groupedData = groupedData|merge({(year): [name]}) %}
{% else %}
{# year exists in the array, add the name to the array of names for this year #}
{% set newNamesForYear = attribute(groupedData, year)|merge([name]) %}
{% set groupedData = groupedData|merge({(year): newNamesForYear}) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
And display the result:
{% for year, names in groupedData %}
{# remove the y in the year and print the names #}
{{ year|slice(1) }} - {{ names|join(', ') }}
{% endfor %}
Here is the result:
1985 - John, Sandra, Jess
1974 - Lena, Tom
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