I am trying to print value of argument which is provided to the thread function "monitor_loglevel_change_handler" as a last param in pthread_create() but it prints garbage instead of proper value. However, that is provided and printed properly earlier in the code see the comments
****(Updated my code further with minimum reproducible example as asked by others. Note I have put sleep intentionally in the main program so that thread function gets chance to run)
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
char *read_env_param(const char*envkey)
char *value = getenv(envkey);
return strdup(value);
return NULL;
static void * monitor_loglevel_change_handler(void* arg)
char *fileName = (char*) arg;
int ifd; // the inotify file des
int wfd; // the watched file des
ssize_t n = 0;
char* dname=NULL; // directory name
char* bname = NULL; // basename
char* tok=NULL;
printf("Value of arguments: %s\n", (char*) arg); // --------> prints nothing why??
dname = strdup( fileName); // defrock the file name into dir and basename
if( (tok = strrchr( dname, '/' )) != NULL ) {
*tok = '\0';
bname = strdup( tok+1 );
ifd = inotify_init1( 0 ); // initialise watcher setting blocking read (no option)
if( ifd < 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "### ERR ### unable to initialise file watch %s\n", strerror( errno ) );
} else {
wfd = inotify_add_watch( ifd, dname, IN_MOVED_TO | IN_CLOSE_WRITE ); // we only care about close write changes
static int register_log_change_notify(const char *fileName)
pthread_attr_t cb_attr;
pthread_t tid;
printf("file name is %s\n", fileName);
return pthread_create(&tid, &cb_attr,&monitor_loglevel_change_handler,(void *)fileName);
int enable_log_change_notify(const char* fileName)
int ret = -1;
struct stat fileInfo;
printf("filename is %s\n", fileName); // ----> prints properly
if ( lstat(fileName,&fileInfo) == 0 )
ret = register_log_change_notify(fileName);
return ret;
void dynamic_log_level_change()
char *logFile_Name = read_env_param("TESTSHA");
char* log_level_init=NULL;
printf("logFile_Name is :%s\n", logFile_Name);
void init_log() {
int log_change_monitor = 0;
int main()
full code of above is here sctpThread.cpp
You are freeing the memory, it is no longer valid.
The simple solution is to transfer ownership for the memory to the thread.
return pthread_create(&tid, &cb_attr,&monitor_loglevel_change_handler,
// allocate new memory dynamically
And then the thread is responsible for free-ing:
static void * monitor_loglevel_change_handler(void* arg) {
.... blabla .......