I want to change the uploaded item's text color in the 'Upload' component but I can't find an easy way to do this.
I know there's the 'renderItem' prop but it seems too messy and verbose. Is there any easier way to change color?
In my case I've ended up using only CSS. I've created a global.css
file, imported it in root of my project and changed some antd classes styles:
// import global.css in your root file
// index.jsx/tsx, _app.jsx/tsx
import 'path/to/globals.css'
.ant-upload-list-item-name, // changes the name of item
.ant-upload-icon > .anticon, // changes left icon
.ant-btn-icon > .anticon { // changes right button icon color
color: blue !important; // don't forget to add !important so antd will not override this