Search code examples

How to create vertically connected tree map via Echart

This code below is the example of treemap using Echart, what i expect is to order each series vertically and then connected to each series, then sizing by the data.

In this example, each series will randomly arrange by its size

$.get(ROOT_PATH + '/data/asset/data/disk.tree.json', function (diskData) {
  const formatUtil = echarts.format;
  function getLevelOption() {
    return [
        itemStyle: {
          borderWidth: 0,
          gapWidth: 5
        itemStyle: {
          gapWidth: 1
        colorSaturation: [0.35, 0.5],
        itemStyle: {
          gapWidth: 1,
          borderColorSaturation: 0.6
    (option = {
      title: {
        text: 'Disk Usage',
        left: 'center'
      tooltip: {
        formatter: function (info) {
          var value = info.value;
          var treePathInfo = info.treePathInfo;
          var treePath = [];
          for (var i = 1; i < treePathInfo.length; i++) {
          return [
            '<div class="tooltip-title">' +
              formatUtil.encodeHTML(treePath.join('/')) +
            'Disk Usage: ' + formatUtil.addCommas(value) + ' KB'
      series: [
          name: 'Disk Usage',
          type: 'treemap',
          visibleMin: 300,
          label: {
            show: true,
            formatter: '{b}'
          itemStyle: {
            borderColor: '#fff'
          levels: getLevelOption(),
          data: diskData

This is what I expected. enter image description here


  • As far as I can tell it is currently not possible. You can impact the shape of the regions via the squareRatio property but I couldnt get it aligned vertically.

    If you dont need to pan and zoom you could put one treemap for each categorie and adjust the position (eg. left: '20%') and size (eg. width: '25%') accordingly.

    Here is an example:

    option = {
      series: [
          type: 'treemap',
          name: 'CATEGORY A',
          width: '23%',
          left: '4%',
          nodeClick: false,
          roam: false,
          levels: [{color: ['lightblue'], itemStyle: {gapWidth: 4}}],
          data: [
            {name: 'A1', value: 40},
            {name: 'A2', value: 6},
            {name: 'A3', value: 24},
            {name: 'A4', value: 15},
            {name: 'A5', value: 12},
            {name: 'A6', value: 4},
            {name: 'A7', value: 18}
          type: 'treemap',
          name: 'CATEGORY B',
          width: '23%',
          left: '30%',
          nodeClick: false,
          roam: false,
          levels: [{color: ['lightgreen'], itemStyle: {gapWidth: 4}}],
          data: [
            {name: 'B1', value: 13},
            {name: 'B2', value: 17},
            {name: 'B3', value: 8},
            {name: 'B4', value: 24},
            {name: 'B5', value: 15},
            {name: 'B6', value: 10},
            {name: 'B7', value: 24}
          type: 'treemap',
          name: 'CATEGORY C',
          width: '23%',
          left: '56%',
          nodeClick: false,
          roam: false,
          levels: [{color: ['green'], itemStyle: {gapWidth: 4}}],
          data: [
            {name: 'C1', value: 4},
            {name: 'C2', value: 20},
            {name: 'C3', value: 6},
            {name: 'C4', value: 18},
            {name: 'C5', value: 22},
            {name: 'C6', value: 35},
          type: 'treemap',
          name: 'CATEGORY D',
          width: '16%',
          left: '82%',
          nodeClick: false,
          roam: false,
          levels: [{color: ['orange'], itemStyle: {gapWidth: 4}}],
          data: [
            {name: 'D1', value: 7},
            {name: 'D2', value: 19},
            {name: 'D3', value: 12},
            {name: 'D4', value: 11},
            {name: 'D5', value: 4},
            {name: 'D6', value: 9},