I'm try to send a message with whatsapp web url, right now i can send the message but just the text, this is my code and works.
<a href="https://web.whatsapp.com/send?text= !!! This is my code 0H78RT !!! %0A https://mypublicUrl.com.co/documents?gad=1"
rel="nofollow noopener"
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But i need add a imagen like this, I have been try to use &image="https://panda.png" at the end od the url, but this doesn't works. this is the final result I need to deployd.
In order to send images (and other media), you would need an account with one of the WhatsApp Business Solution Providers.
The best of them is 360dialog.
To build media messages, interactive messages and even more, I recommend you registering for get.chat Inbox.
I am a co-founder and CTO so I am open to answer any questions if you want to know more about our solution. Here is also a link to the API docs if you're interested in learning more by yourself.