I'm currently transitioning several .NET and .NET Core console applications from Windows 10 to Windows 11. These applications, developed in .NET 4.8 and .NET Core 3.1, have assigned project icons. When running on Windows 10, the icons display as expected upon application execution. However, the problem arises when these applications are deployed and run in a Windows 11 environment: the icons do not appear at all. This absence of icons is causing challenges for users who need to identify and restart these applications. Could anyone provide insights or solutions to address this issue?
I've included two pictures to show what I mean. When these were on a windows 10 env they were showing the image that I had set to be the icon in the solution. They're now just showing the default icon for a console app.
That's an issue of Windows Terminal (rather than Windows 11), which is being actively tracked on Github (there's also a more comprehensive issue here).
You experience this problem on Windows 11 because Windows Terminal is the default terminal application, but you can change it in:
Privacy & Security > For Developers > Terminal > Windows Console Host