I’ve an application which should use log in state of debug, i.e. all the logs that I want to provide is like log.debug
I’ve read about it and find the following
My question is how should I “tell” to the program that now run at debug mode an then all the logs will be printed since this I believe should come from outside …
example will be very helpful since I'm new to golfing.
Ok, a really simple example of the approach I suggested in the comment:
package main
import (
func init() {
lvl, ok := os.LookupEnv("LOG_LEVEL")
// LOG_LEVEL not set, let's default to debug
if !ok {
lvl = "debug"
// parse string, this is built-in feature of logrus
ll, err := logrus.ParseLevel(lvl)
if err != nil {
ll = logrus.DebugLevel
// set global log level
func main() {
logrus.Debug("Will only be visible if the loglevel permits it")
The original comment:
Check codebases that are out there. In go, the common way to do that is to load configuration via environment variables (eg LOG_LEVEL, and use os.Getenv or a config package to load the value). That's why logrus for example allows you to set log levels via ints or strings.
Please, please: before you ask a question, read the basic info about the packages you use. Even the github repo for logrus' main README contains an example setting the log level to a specific level: