Having the following DAO method:
SELECT * FROM ChatEntity c
JOIN ChatMessageEntity m ON c.id = m.chatId
JOIN ChatParticipantEntity p ON p.id = c.ownerId
WHERE c.id IN (
SELECT id FROM ChatEntity
LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset
ORDER BY m.createdAt DESC
fun getChats(
limit: Int,
offset: Int
): Flow<List<ChatWithParticipantsAndLastMessage>>
Where ChatWithParticipantsAndLastMessage
data class ChatWithParticipantsAndLastMessage(
val chatEntity: ChatEntity,
@Embedded(prefix = "last_message_")
val lastMessage: ChatMessageEntity,
@Embedded(prefix = "owner_")
val owner: ChatParticipantEntity,
entity = ChatParticipantEntity::class,
parentColumn = "id",
entityColumn = "chatId"
val participants: List<ChatParticipantEntity>
And corresponding @Embedded
objects are:
data class ChatEntity(
@PrimaryKey val id: Int,
val type: String,
val createdAt: Int,
val ownerId: Int,
val participantsCount: Int,
val participantsLimit: Int,
val unreadCount: Int,
val lastMessageId: Int?
data class ChatMessageEntity(
val chatId: Int,
val localMessageId: Int,
val createdAt: Int,
val senderId: Int,
val isEdited: Boolean,
val isViewed: Boolean,
val text: String,
val type: String
data class ChatParticipantEntity(
@PrimaryKey val id: Int,
val chatId: Int,
val avatarUrl: String?,
val firstName: String,
val lastName: String?,
val lastOnline: Int,
val isOnline: Boolean,
val username: String
All of them are, of course, annotated with @Entity
. But build fails with error:
The columns returned by the query does not have the fields [chatId,localMessageId,createdAt,senderId,isEdited,isViewed,text,type,id,chatId,firstName,lastOnline,isOnline,username] in ChatWithParticipantsAndLastMessage even though they are annotated as non-null or primitive.
Columns returned by the query: [id,type,createdAt,ownerId,participantsCount,participantsLimit,unreadCount,lastMessageId,chatId,localMessageId,createdAt,senderId,isEdited,isViewed,text,type,id,chatId,avatarUrl,firstName,lastName,lastOnline,isOnline,username]
But all required fields that Room considers missing are literally there. What gives?
Duplicate column names turned out to be the problem. Room simply doesn't know, for example, which chatId
it is seeing: from ChatMessageEntity
or form ChatParticipantEntity
. Without touching column names themselves, the solution is to use aliases in my query:
// omfg
SELECT c.id, c.type, c.createdAt, c.ownerId, c.participantsCount, c.participantsLimit, c.unreadCount,
m.chatId AS last_message_chatId, m.localMessageId AS last_message_localMessageId, m.createdAt AS last_message_createdAt,
m.senderId AS last_message_senderId, m.isEdited AS last_message_isEdited, m.isViewed AS last_message_isViewed,
m.text AS last_message_text, m.type AS last_message_type,
o.id AS owner_id, o.chatId AS owner_chatId, o.avatarUrl AS owner_avatarUrl, o.firstName AS owner_firstName,
o.lastName AS owner_lastName, o.lastOnline AS owner_lastOnline
FROM ChatEntity c
JOIN ChatMessageEntity m ON c.id = m.chatId
JOIN ChatParticipantEntity o ON o.id = c.ownerId
WHERE c.id IN (
SELECT id FROM ChatEntity
LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset
ORDER BY m.createdAt DESC
fun getChats(
limit: Int,
offset: Int
): Flow<List<ChatWithParticipantsAndLastMessage>>
This is sooo ugly and error-prone, but we take what we get, I guess.