I'm testing if the Google Maps api works and loads, so upon loading I would like to confirm specific elements inside the map to make sure it loaded.
My code so far:
# ... prob put a sleep 1 here maybe to account for possible delay in map load
expect(page).to have_css ('#map')
section = find('#map')
expect(section).to have_css('.gm-control-active')
However, there are 3 .gm-control-active elements inside the Google Map:
1) aria-label="Zoom in" title="Zoom in"
2) aria-label="Zoom out" title="Zoom out"
3) aria-label="Toggle fullscreen view" title= "Toggle fullscreen view"
What's the syntax to specify one of these?
You can use any css, which includes being able to use attribute selectors. Therefore you could do something like
expect(section).to have_css('.gm-control-active[title=“Zoom in”]')
Or whatever other attributes you want to match against