If you run a prompt("Paste JSON into here")
in Deno, you can put a maximum of 255 characters.
Is there a method to make it unlimited, or at least get a better reasonable limit without taking on a dependency or looping.
I tried taking on chunks of json through looping prompt() calls, but that would require hitting enter() and adding more complexity to users of program.
It is a bug in Deno for Windows https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/19010
Until it is fixed, as a workaround you could use Ubuntu on WSL or use the following snippet from @Lenni009 (Who reported the bug)
import { readLines } from "https://deno.land/std@0.197.0/io/mod.ts";
async function prompt(promptText) {
const text = new TextEncoder().encode(`${promptText} `);
Deno.writeAllSync(Deno.stdout, text);
const { value: input } = await readLines(Deno.stdin).next();
return input;