[warn] sbt 0.13 shell syntax is deprecated; use slash syntax instead: Test / package
I am getting the warning above, but I am baffled because I think I am using slash syntax. My build.sbt file is copied below for anyone who can tell me where I am using 0.13 shell syntax. Also, if anything else looks funny about my build.sbt file, please don't hesitate to tell me. Thanks.
name := "trajspec"
version := "0.999"
scalaVersion := "3.3.0"
organization := "gov.nasa.arc"
outputStrategy := Some(StdoutOutput)
run/connectInput := true
crossPaths := false
fork := true
//run / javaOptions += "-Xprof"
Test / unmanagedSourceDirectories += baseDirectory.value/"src"/"plot"
Test / unmanagedSourceDirectories += baseDirectory.value/"src"/"sim"
Test / unmanagedSourceDirectories += baseDirectory.value/"src"/"scalar"
Compile / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value/"src"/"main"
Compile / javaSource := baseDirectory.value/"src"/"main"
Compile / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value/"src"/"scalar"
Test / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value/"src"/"test"
Test / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value/"src"/"plot"
Test / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value/"src"/"sim"
Test / javaSource := baseDirectory.value/"src"/"test"
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "2.0.0"
libraryDependencies +=
"org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-parallel-collections" % "1.0.3"
scalacOptions += "-deprecation"
//scalacOptions += "-Xcheckinit"
scalacOptions += "-feature"
As @Mateusz Kubuszok said in the comments.
The command you are running
sbt test:package
is using the old and deprecated syntax.
Just changing it to
Test / package
will stop showing the warning
You have a doc that shows how to Migrate to slash syntax in sbt 1.x
Migrating to slash syntax
In sbt 0.13 keys were scoped with 2 different syntaxes: one for sbt’s shell and one for in code.
- sbt 0.13 shell:
- sbt 0.13 code:
key in (<project-id>, Config, intask)
Starting sbt 1.1.0, the syntax for scoping keys has been unified for both the shell and the build definitions to the slash syntax as follows:
<project-id> / Config / intask / key