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Need someone to help me understand these two solutions - map, reduce, match, regex

Description: I've been playing around with Codingames today, and came across this problem in a Clash of Code.

Problem: Given a word, output the sum of the word's index according to it's place in the ABC.

Example: word = "HI" result = 15

Explanation: H = 7 and I = 8, the sum of that is 15. This is because the H and I are at the 7th and 8th index in the alpahabet, if we determine that A = 0;

My solution: I've got it working with a nested loop, but it's not very efficient. Other solution 1:


Other solution 2:


Can someone explaing these codes to me? I've tried AI but I didn't get the hang of it. I also welcome suggestions of websites etc. that helps me understand these codes better.

Thank you!


  • Using normal split, reduce and match plus a ternary:

    const res = "HeLLo"
        b.match(/[A-Z]/)? // does the current letter match an uppercase?
        a+b.charCodeAt(0)-65 // return accumulator plus current letter value minus A's letter value of 65
        :a  // otherwise return the accumulator
        ,0) // start with an accumulator of 0

    Using tagged template split, a map (no need for a map here) and a ternary

      .split``  // split on anything
      .map(e=>/[A-Z]/.test(e)? // if from A-Z
      s+=e.charCodeAt(0)-'A'.charCodeAt(0) // add each charcode minus the charCode for A
      :0 // otherwise 0

    Don't use a map when you need a forEach - and a ternary as above:

    const res = "HeLLo"
      .split``  // split on anything 
      .forEach(e=> s+= /[A-Z]/.test(e) ? e.charCodeAt(0)-65 : 0)