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Firestore security rules: Function [get] called with malformed path

Cloud Firestore Rule

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /admins/{document=**} {
      allow read, write: if true;

    match /{userId}/{document=**} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == userId || get(/databases/$(database)/documents/$(userId)/users/$(;

Details provided in Rules Playground of Cloud Firestore

Simulation type: get

Location: /databases/(default)/documents/cTgy9W6Zt2dShSgqig2ToeYLEzt2/products

Authenticated: True

Authentication Payload

  "uid": "dQkped8ggvUv6iHfI9kVD7Vrnlf2",
  "token": {
    "sub": "dQkped8ggvUv6iHfI9kVD7Vrnlf2",
    "aud": "undefined",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "email_verified": false,
    "firebase": {
      "sign_in_provider": "password"


Function [get] called with malformed path: /databases/(default)/documents/cTgy9W6Zt2dShSgqig2ToeYLEzt2/users/[email protected]

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  • You need to pass a Document path to the get() method.

    As explained in the doc: "The get() and exists() functions both expect fully specified document paths."



    you are actually passing a Collection path (3 elements).

    You need to change your data model or add a document in the [email protected] subcollection to point to.

    In addition I think you're mixing up the get() and exists() functions.

    The get() method returns a rules.firestore.Resource which does not have an exists property.

    So doing get(**path**).exists cannot work. You should either use exists() to check if a specific document exists or use get() to check the value of a field of the specific document through the data property.