Having looked at a number of posts about copying an Excel Chart into a Word document I still cannot get a simple piece of code to work.
I have a workbook that has charts on various worksheets. I am sure I can work out code that will work through the looping issue eventually. Right now I just need code that will copy a chart on one sheet into a Word Table, particular cell.
The word document opens, and I can even see that my code has selected the cell.
I developed the copied code from recording a macro, but of course that is only the copying bit I think as the record function does not record outside of Excel.
My ultimate solution is to have the chart copied as a picture into the Word table. And I need a picture, not a link etc.
My code is:
' Trial copy
'xwkBook = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Activate
'ActiveChart.ChartArea.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlPicture
With d
d.Tables(2).Cell(1, 1).Range.Select
d.Tables(2).Cell(1, 1).Range.Paste
End With
d is defined as
Dim d As Word.Document
and is set through the Word file opening process as
Set d = objW.Documents.Open(strFile)
and objW as
Dim objW As Word.Application
As you can I have tried several options, but I do not get anything pasted into the word table. Yes, Tables(2) does exist in my word file.
Your code logic is close to working. Range.Paste
will create a linked object. You can get a image in Word table with PasteSpecial
'xwkBook = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
Set d = ActiveDocument
Dim h As Single, w As Single, img, ratio
With d.Tables(2).Cell(2, 1).Range
' Get the size of cell before pasting
h = .Rows(1).Height
w = .Columns(1).Width
Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=15, Placement:=wdInLine, _
Set img = .InlineShapes(1)
' get the shrink ratio
ratio = IIf((h / img.Height) < (w / img.Width), h / img.Height, w / img.Width)
' resize image to fit cell
img.Height = img.Height * ratio
End With
Please refer to