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OpenAPI equivilant of Jersey Jax-RS com.github.kongchen:swagger-maven-plugin?

In Swagger, you could use the swagger-maven-plugin to build the contract .json at compile time.

                    <title>project Service</title>
                    <description>Description here.</description>
                        <name>project Service</name>

Is there an equivalent way to Given a Jax-RS maven project, use a plugin create an OpenAPI client at maven build time using the current project's java source to generate a stubs?

I found a project out there that uses the integration-test phase to actually start the app using spring test runner then uses the http endpoint to build the contract.

I guess it works but it's not very convenient. The swagger one was way better it ran statically at compile time.


  • See

    Look at springdoc-openapi-maven-plugin which can help you generate the yml/json OpenAPI description during integeration test phase in maven.

    Note this does not do it at compile time. But it does it in the integration test phase when you have a running Spring server available.

    Does not seem to be a Maven plugin for this yet that I can find.

    You can very simply do this in Java.

    Assuming you have a Jax-RS application: YourResourceConfigurationWithOpenApi here is an example of how to write yaml without Spring boot application running:

    OpenApiContext ctx = new JaxrsOpenApiContextBuilder()
                        .application(new YourResourceConfigurationWithOpenApi())
    OpenAPI oas =;
    String res = ctx.getOutputYamlMapper().writer(new DefaultPrettyPrinter()).writeValueAsString(oas);