I am trying to add migrations to a mysql database using flyway. I am starting from scratch with a fresh database by using mvn flyway:clean
and then migrating using mvn flyway:migrate
, then I run my program. I get the following tables:
which follows an old schema that I have now scrapped
I expect the tables to be created when I migrate:
following my migration file V1__Create_games_table.sql
Despite the flyway_schema_history correctly detecting the V1 migration:
flyway info
Database: jdbc:mysql:// (MySQL 8.0)
Schema version: 1
| Category | Version | Description | Type | Installed On | State | Undoable |
| Versioned | 1 | Create games table | SQL | 2023-08-04 11:47:11 | Success | No |
Here is my application.properties for reference:
# Flyway configuration
and flyway.conf:
mvn flyway:migrate
, I expect that the reset of the database would just clean any metadata involved in previous migrations included in the schema, however I get the same result. A table of an old version 1 is created instead of the new one.Is there a hidden metadata somewhere that saved that old V1 version that created a trivias table and the cleaning resets to that version instead of the current V1 that creates a games table?
mvn flyway:repair/validate
as well as adding flyway.validateOnMigrate=true
in my flyway.conf file and still getting the same tables 'trivias' instead of 'games'You have configured JPA to create the database schema from the entities with
You should remove this property as you are using Flyway database migration tool.