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Excel Text Split with one condition using VBA

I've been able to split text in VBA to separate a series of numbers from one cell into 4 different cells. What I've been using works but I can't find a way to set a condition to ignore splitting it if the source cell isn't in a certain format.

When it's a series of numbers separated by a period, split the text. This already works. However, when it's just a number with no periods, I want it to ignore splitting it.

So for example, in C2 get split into 4 different cells starting on C14 = 5, C15=10, C16=4, C17=3456 and this works with no issue. However, when the number doens't have periods separating it (highlighted text in attachment), is there a way to ignore the split of the remaining cells in that column? The dataset will continue to grow every time we export a new set so the range will grow weekly.

I select an entire column using Range and then split it but there are more random single numbers that should be ignored (highlighted in attachment).


Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Selection
rng.TextToColumns _
    Destination:=rng(1, 1).Offset(, 14), _
    TextQualifier:=xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote, _
    DataType:=xlDelimited, _
    SemiColon:=False, _
    Comma:=False, _
    Other:=True, _
    Space:=False, _

enter image description here


  • The text-to-columns split function requires a contiguous range of cells without gaps. But you can remove the unwanted cells from the destination range after splitting.

        Dim rng As Range, lastRow As Long
        lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
        Set rng = Range("C2:C" & lastRow)
        rng.TextToColumns _
            Destination:=rng(1, 1).Offset(, 14), _
            TextQualifier:=xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote, _
            DataType:=xlDelimited, _
            SemiColon:=False, _
            Comma:=False, _
            Other:=True, _
            Space:=False, _
        Dim arrs, arrd, i
        Dim rngD As Range
        arrs = rng.Value
        ' assuming text-to-column result in Q to T
        lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "Q").End(xlUp).Row
        Set rngD = Cells(2, "Q").Resize(lastRow - 1, 4)
        arrd = rngD.Value
        For i = 1 To UBound(arrs)
            If arrs(i, 1) = arrd(i, 1) Then arrd(i, 1) = ""
        rngD.Value = arrd
    End Sub

    I have tested the code with your sample data. There isn't any extra number in the next column.

    enter image description here

    Screenshot from OP user. Column P may contain data. The issue is fixed in the updated code.

    enter image description here