I would like to know what I am doing wrong here. I would like not to use force casting but no matter what I try I do not seem able to.
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
func highestPriority<T: Equatable>( priority: [T]) -> T? {
let sorted = sorted { lhs, rhs in
guard let lhs = priority.firstIndex(of: lhs as! T),
let rhs = priority.firstIndex(of: rhs as! T) else {
return false
return lhs < rhs
return sorted.first as? T
public enum Jobs: String, Codable {
case wash = "Wash"
case dry = "Dry"
case wax = "Wax"
let priorities: [Jobs] = [.wash, .dry, .wax]
let jobs: [Jobs] = [.wax, .wash, .dry]
let priority = jobs.highestPriority(priority: priorities)
Im refining from this which works, but I'm not understanding why changing collection to use self in Array is any different?
func highestPriority<T:Equatable>(_ collection: [T]?, priority: [T]) -> T? {
let sorted = collection?.sorted { lhs, rhs in
guard let lhs = priority.firstIndex(of: lhs),
let rhs = priority.firstIndex(of: rhs) else {
return false
return lhs < rhs
return sorted?.first
public enum Jobs: String, Codable {
case wash = "Wash"
case dry = "Dry"
case wax = "Wax"
let priorities: [Jobs] = [.wash, .dry, .wax]
let jobs: [Jobs] = [.wax, .wash, .dry]
let priority = highestPriority(jobs, priority: priorities)
I have tried changing the generic constraint but I'm just stabbing in the dark :D
Since all of the types associated with highestPriority
are the same as the type stored in the array, change highestPriority
from being generic to being based on Element
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
func highestPriority(priority: [Element]) -> Element? {
let sort = sorted { lhs, rhs in
guard let lhs = priority.firstIndex(of: lhs),
let rhs = priority.firstIndex(of: rhs) else {
return false
return lhs < rhs
return sort.first
Here's a much simpler implementation:
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
func highestPriority( priority: [Element]) -> Element? {
return priority.first { contains($0) }
If the array will have a lot of elements (and the elements are Hashable), it would likely be more efficient as:
extension Array where Element : Hashable {
func highestPriority(priority: [Element]) -> Element? {
let set = Set(self)
return priority.first { set.contains($0) }