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Bottom navigation bar navigation using AutoTabsRouter

I have used AutoTabsRouter() and want to switch to another tab (downloads) on connection loss and disable all remaining tabs. How can I do it? Here, when the connection is lost, the tab changed to downloads (index), but the content remained the same, didn't change to downloads tab content.

return AutoTabsRouter(
      duration: const Duration(microseconds: 0),
      navigatorObservers: () => [HeroController()],
      routes: const [
      builder: (context, child, animation) {
        final tabsRouter = AutoTabsRouter.of(context);

        return BlocBuilder<ConnectivityBloc, ConnectivityState>(
          builder: (context, state) {
            return Scaffold(
              extendBody: true,
              appBar: state.isMessageVisible
                  ? const PreferredSize(
                      preferredSize: Size.fromHeight(kLargeSize),
                      child: ConnectivityAppBar(),
                  : null,
              body: FadeTransition(
                opacity: animation,
                child: child,
              bottomNavigationBar: MyBottomNavigationBar(
                currentIndex: state.isMessageVisible ? 3 : tabsRouter.activeIndex,
                onTap: state.isMessageVisible
                    ? (index) {
                        if (index == 3) {
                    : tabsRouter.setActiveIndex,
                items: [...]


  • you can wrap your BlocBuilder with BlocListener.

    BLocListener can listen all the state changes and you can navigate or run your function inside the listener.

    enter image description here

    Thanks me later 😁😆