I'm looking for a way to convert a Match formula that I use to routinely to check for matches into a wildcard match for Match. I know there is an MatchType parameter in the MATCH formula but when changing from 0 to 1 it does not produce the desired wildcard match I'm looking for.
For exact matches the formula I use is
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A2,'Lookup wildcard phrase'!A$2:A$4,0)),"FALSE","TRUE")
For my needs with Exact Matches, I can use this formula
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A2,'Lookup wildcard phrase'!A$2:A$4,0)),"FALSE","TRUE")
to populate the second column row by row in the first tab.
How would I modify this to compare a wildcard for any term column A for every row from first tab with the Match range for column A in the second tab?
I tried experimenting with what I believe is a wildcard with VLOOKUP formula as well but it did not work either.
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP("*"&A2&"*",'Lookup wildcard phrase'!A$2:A$4,1,FALSE)),"FALSE","TRUE")
According to OP's comment that "magpie" is negative for "pie", this should work:
=SUM(N(TEXTSPLIT(A2," ")=$A$11:$A$13))>0
Or to spill at once:
=BYROW(A2:A6,LAMBDA(x,SUM(N(TEXTSPLIT(x," ")=$A$11:$A$13))>0))