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How to call parent static method using child class in kotlin?

I have a java class AAA with a static method:

public class AAA {
    public static void foo() {}

and a kotlin class which extends it:

class BBB : AAA() {}

Now in other kotlin file I would like to call that method. If I do it like this then it works:

fun bar() {

but when I'm doing it like this it doesn't compile (Unresolved reference: foo):

fun bar() {

Is it possible to call parent static method using child class BBB in kotlin? In java there is no problem with that.


  • No, according to Calling Java from Kotlin, this is how Java's static members are ported to Kotlin:

    Static members of Java classes form "companion objects" for these classes. You can't pass such a "companion object" around as a value but can access the members explicitly.

    You don't inherit the companion object of a superclass in Kotlin.

    open class A {
        companion object {
            fun foo() {}
    class B: A() {
        fun bar() {
            // this doesn't work because B.Companion does not exist
            // these work, because these are implicitly

    Technically, you could write a companion object in BBB that has all the static members of AAA:

    class BBB : AAA() {
        companion object {
            // this allows you to do
            val foo = AAA::foo

    Though I think that's beside the point.

    That said, this doesn't really matter at the end of the day. Practically, you don't lose anything by doing