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"Pass" generic type to another generic type

Anything new since : Is it possible to pass generic type as generic parameter? ?

My specific problem :

This work fine

type isArrStr<T extends readonly string[] > = T extends readonly["str"] ? true :false ; //dummy 
type _retAny<T> = any 

type wrapper<T>  = any extends _retAny<isArrStr<infer I>>  ? T extends I ? isArrStr<T> : never :never
let myVar:wrapper<readonly["str"]> //ok , return true 
let myVar_1:wrapper<readonly["ll"]> //ok , return false
let myVar_2:wrapper<string> // ok , return never

But this doesn't

type wrapper<F,T>  = any extends _retAny<F<infer I>>  ? T extends I ? F<T> : never :never //error : Type 'F' is not generic 
let myVar:wrapper<isArrStr,readonly["str"]> //error : Generic type 'isArrStr' requires 1 type argument
//let myVar_1:wrapper<readonly["ll"]>
//let myVar_2:wrapper<isArrStr,string>

Do you know something to overcome this difficulty ? Thanks for your help have nice day

I'm trying to reproduce HighOrderFunction behavior with type


  • No, it's still not possible to pass a generic to a generic type parameter plainly, however, it's allowed to pass one if it's constrained. I think, this approach might work for you -

    type isArrStr<T> = T extends readonly ["str"] ? true : false; //dummy 
    type _retAny<T> = any;
    type Args<M extends Fn> = M["args"];
    type Fn<Args = unknown, Return = unknown> = {
        args: Args;
        return: Return;
    type Apply<F extends Fn, U extends Args<F>> = (F & { args: U })["return"];
    interface IsArrayOfStr extends Fn {
        return: isArrStr<Args<this>>
    type Result = Apply<IsArrayOfStr, readonly ["str"]>; // true
    type Result1 = Apply<IsArrayOfStr, readonly ["11"]>; // false
    type Result3 = Apply<IsArrayOfStr, string>; // false

    Note that an interface is used to declare the function because the extension of types is limited and instead, an intersection is done for types. Here's a link to the playground.