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Vitest spyOn method won't work outside of test case scope

I am migrating from Jest to Vitest and found out that most of my spyOn methods aren't working because they are declared outside of the test scope:

const notificationSpy = vi.spyOn(NotificationActions, 'addNotification');

describe('PostboxList', () => {
    const renderComponent = (store: Store) => {
        render(<PostboxList />, {

    it('the notification is visible when fetching status is HasError', async () => {
        const store = mockStore({
            postbox: {
                documents: {
                    data: [],
                    fetchingStatus: DataFetchingStatus.HasError,
                messages: {
                    data: [],
                    fetchingStatus: DataFetchingStatus.HasError,


            title: 'POSTBOX.ERROR.TITLE',
            text: 'POSTBOX.ERROR.TEXT',

Now if I move the declaration of my spyOn method to inside the test scope, the test will pass:

describe('PostboxList', () => {
    const renderComponent = (store: Store) => {
        render(<PostboxList />, {

    it('the notification is visible when fetching status is HasError', async () => {
        const notificationSpy = vi.spyOn(NotificationActions, 'addNotification');

        const store = mockStore({
            postbox: {
                documents: {
                    data: [],
                    fetchingStatus: DataFetchingStatus.HasError,
                messages: {
                    data: [],
                    fetchingStatus: DataFetchingStatus.HasError,


            title: 'POSTBOX.ERROR.TITLE',
            text: 'POSTBOX.ERROR.TEXT',

My test config inside Vite config:

test: {
    globals: true,
    environment: 'jsdom',
    setupFiles: './vitest.setup.ts',
    include: ['**/*.{test, spec}.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}'],
    exclude: [...configDefaults.exclude, 'plop', './vitest.setup.ts'],
    deps: {
        inline: ['vitest-canvas-mock'],
    testTimeout: 10000,
    threads: false,
    alias: tsconfigPaths(),
    mockReset: true,
    restoreMocks: true,
    clearMocks: true,
    css: true,

I already tried resetting the mock and the spyOn on beforeEach and afterEach but had no success.

I've researched already but no answers or similar issues were found.


  • Removing these configs solved the issue:

    threads: false,
    mockReset: true,
    restoreMocks: true,
    clearMocks: true,