I need to create .o files in a specific folder. But right know they are just been created in the same folder as my main.cpp.
cversion = -std=c++23
true = 1
false = 0
notfalse = 1
ClassPath = ./test
dotO = ./dotO
output.exe: message.o main.o
g++ $(cversion) main.o message.o -o output
main.o: main.cpp
g++ $(cversion) -c main.cpp
message.o: message.cpp
g++ $(cversion) -c message.cpp
@echo Errasing...
@del *.o
@del output.exe
@echo Files have been erased.
int messageBox(int x, int y);
int messageBox(int x, int y){
return x+y;
#include <iostream>
#include "message.h"
int main(){
std::cout << messageBox(10, 50) << std::endl;
OS : Windows
Text Editor : VScode
I am using mingw64
If you want them in a specific folder, you need to put them there and use them from there. So to put them in a folder called folder
you need something like:
output.exe: folder/message.o folder/main.o
g++ $(cversion) folder/main.o folder/message.o -o output
folder/main.o: main.cpp
g++ $(cversion) -c main.cpp -o $@
folder/message.o: message.cpp
g++ $(cversion) -c message.cpp -o $@
The above just adds folder/
every time a name for a file that should be in folder is mentioned. You can simplify that a bit by GNU-make using a pattern rule (if you're using GNU make) and $^
to avoid repeating all the dependencies
output.exe: folder/message.o folder/main.o
g++ $(cversion) $^ -o output
folder/%.o: %.cpp
g++ $(cversion) -c $< -o $@
These use the single character "helper" variables that are defined in every rule:
the target of the current rule$^
the dependencies of the current rule$<
the first dependency of the current rule