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How to create azure app registration and client secret using terraform

I am trying to create an Terraform code for Azure app registration and client secret (A service principal with Read access to the subscription)

Basically, I am trying to Integrate Azuresafe with Terraform and trying to identify how to configure step by step. If there is already any terrafrom code out there to review etc.. will be helpful or for this I would like to understand how to create a app registration and clien secret.

# Create new app registration
resource "azuread_application" "app" {
  display_name = var.azuread_app_display_name

# Create a service principal
resource "azuread_service_principal" "app" {
  application_id =

# Create Service Principal password
resource "azuread_service_principal_password" "app" {
  application_object_id =


  • I tried to create Azure app registration, Service principal & client secret using Terraform and I was successfully able to provision them

    Here as per the requirement, we need need to provision Azure App registration & its secret, Service principal in read-only access. For this, we need contributor-level access to our active subscription.

    my terraform code

    resource  "azuread_application"  "app" {
    display_name  =  "Azuresafe Application VK"
    resource  "azuread_service_principal"  "app" {
    application_id  =
    resource  "azuread_application_password"  "example" {
    application_object_id  =
    # Output the Service Principal and password
    output  "app" {
    value  =
    sensitive  =  true
    output  "app_password" {
    value  =  azuread_application_password.example.value
    sensitive  =  true


    enter image description here

    now execute the terrafrom_output command to check the app and app_secret


    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Portal Output:

    App Registration

    enter image description here

    App registration password

    enter image description here