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Upgrade terraform to specific version

Use case

I have installed Terraform v0.11.13 via homebrew and as recommended by terraform I want to ugprade to version v0.11.14 before doing the major upgrade to v0.12.0.

The problem

When I run brew upgrade terraform or download the Mac package from the terraform website it would immediately update my terraform version to v0.12.0 I think.

So how can I upgrade to v0.11.14 instead?


  • Especially when playing around with Terraform 0.12 betas, I learned to love tfenv.

    After installation (via brew install tfenv on MacOS), this allows you to easily discover, install and activate any Terraform version:

    $ tfenv list-remote
    $ tfenv install 0.11.14
    [INFO] Installing Terraform v0.11.14
    [INFO] Downloading release tarball from
    [INFO] Installation of terraform v0.11.14 successful
    [INFO] Switching to v0.11.14
    [INFO] Switching completed

    If you want to manually switch to a different version:

    $ tfenv use 0.12.0
    [INFO] Switching to v0.12.0
    [INFO] Switching completed

    Alternatively, adding .terraform-version file makes tfenv automatically switch to the right version for a given directory and it will even take care of auto-installing the correct version if not already installed.