this is my sample data
1 0 11 12 A
2 9 13 14 B
3 8 15 16 C
4 7 17 20 D
5 6 18 19 E
I need a excel formula which returns B when i input 14 or 13 or 9 or 2 similarly it should return me A if i input 1 or 0 or 11 or 12.
Can anyone please help me
I tried with INDEX and match functions like
=IFERROR(INDEX($E$1:$E$5,MATCH(G1,IF(($B$1:$D$5=G1)+($A$1:$A$5=G1), $B$1:$D$5),0)),"Not Found")
My input was 12. but its giving me Value not found , though the value is there
Another alternative approach using INDEX( ), MAX( ) & ROW( )
• Formula used in cell H2
Caveat: Since you have tagged as Excel-2007
don't forget to hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER while exiting the edit mode.