I am working with a JTable that contains a few columns with different datatypes (int, string, date). When I run the app the data displays fine but if I use the column headers to sort the data it freezes on the columns that contain Date objects. Below is the code. Columns 8, 9, & 10 are the ones causing the problem. How do I make it so the Date columns are sortable?
public void updateLogTable() {
DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) logTable.getModel();
List<LogObject> lstLogObjects = new ArrayList<LogObject>();
lstLogObjects = LogManager.getLog();
for (int i = 0; i < lstLogObjects.size(); i++) {
Object[] temp = new Object[13];
temp[0] = Integer.parseInt(lstLogObjects .get(i).getLogID());
temp[1] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getLogType();
temp[2] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getYear();
temp[3] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getQuarter();
temp[4] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getOriginalID();
temp[5] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getSubject();
temp[6] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getAction();
temp[7] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getRequester();
temp[8] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getADate(); //Returns java.util.Date
temp[9] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getCDate(); //Returns java.util.Date
temp[10] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getSDate(); //Returns java.util.Date
temp[11] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getRemarks();
temp[12] = lstLogObjects .get(i).getField1();
Did you override the getColumnClass(...) method of your TableModel to return the proper class?
The table sort methods will then sort the column and treat it as a Date rather than invoke toString() on the Date object.
If you need more help then post your SSCCE demonstrating the problem.