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Error breaking out of a try/catch statement

As I was making a NPM package, I had to use a try/catch statement, but noticed that the error is able to break out of the try{ … } part and terminate the entire process.

As try/catch is used to catch errors from try{ … } part and handle them with the catch{ … } part, I expected that the error will be caught and passed to catch{ … }, but when a function returns an error using return, not throw statement, the error isn't caught and breaks out. I tried different function call methods, such as .call(...) or .apply(...), but the problem persists.

This passes:

let result;

let throwError = () => throw new Error("I didn't break out!");

try {
  let res = throwError();
  result = res;
} catch(err) {
  result = {
    message: err.message,

result; // {name: "Error", message: "I didn't break out!"}

This fails:

let result;

let returnError = () => new Error("I broke out!")

try {
  let res = returnError(); // Uncaught error: I broke out!
  result = res;
} catch(err) {
  result = {
    message: err.message,


  • There's no problem here. If you want to catch an error being throw, try/catch will do that. If you want to catch an error being returned, you need a different check for that.

    let result;
    let returnError = () => new Error("I broke out!")
    try {
      let res = returnError();
      if (res instanceof Error) {
        throw res;
      result = res;
    } catch(err) {
      result = {
        message: err.message,